
How to tell if you're addicted to the internet

Page history last edited by Internet Addicts Anonymous 15 years, 9 months ago

If you've sincerely tried to spend less time on the internet, and failed, you may be an internet addict. 


Other questions:


Have you tried to quit the internet with the best intentions, only to find yourself online again?


Have you stayed up late on the internet even though you knew you'd be exhausted the next day?


Have you gotten in trouble at work for neglecting your tasks in order to spend time on the internet?


Are you regularly on the internet for more time than you intend?


Do you tell yourself you'll only spend 5 more minutes on the internet, only to continue for hours?


Do you check and re-check websites and email accounts far more often than you find new content there?


Do you feel that your internet use is beyond your control?


If you can answer yes to any of these questions, you may be addicted to the internet.  What next?

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